Spring comes to Kirrie, all the world's in bloom Winter is forgiven now, fooled by April's broom Kirrie, oh Kirrie, you were aye my hame 'Til Napolean's bloody cannons took their aim Jenny, oh Jenny, I am surely done Stricken down in battle at the moth o' Napoleon's guns Jeannie, oh Jeannie always dear to me Let me hold you in my mind afore I d'e Chorus For the cold returns in Autumn when the wind rakes the trees And the summer lies forgotten in a cold bed of leaves
As winter begins, aye my Boney, 'twasn't only you Who was broken on the field of Waterloo Su'geon, oh Su'geon, leave me wi' my pain Save your knife for others who'll surely rise again Su'geon, oh Su'geon leave my blood to pour Let it drain into the bitter paet once more Chorus Boney, oh Boney war was aye yer game A bloody field ya table, a cannon yaws to aim Boney, oh Boney we were aye the same Drillin' laddies not to fear the musket's pain Chorus