10.28 Pi meets with Satish Kumar, a very particular teacher of his – a communist, atheist, biology teacher, and one of Pi's favorites. On a particular visit to the zoo, Pi describes for Satish Kumar the need for goats within the Rhino enclosure to keep the Rhino's company. 10.29 Satish Kumar begins to relay his belief that all things can be described scientifically, describing his bout with polio and how medicine saved him as a child, not God. Pi cannot reconcile with the story until he learns to accept Kumar's beliefs as a faith all by itself. He comments on how atheists are more acceptable than agnostics, who are full of doubt.
10.30 Pi wasn't happy as a child with his name, as it was mispronounced as “pissin” when it is meant to be pronounced as “pea-seen” . For that reason as he grows up and enters the next level of school, he makes a show of jumping up during roll call and announcing to the cla** that his name is “Pi” even illustrating it with the math symbol on the chalkboard. It catches on and it makes him happy. 10.31 Visitors to the zoo are responsible for performing a great deal of horrible things with the animals, declaring humans as the worst of all animals. He again mentions Richard Parker and the folly of anthropomorphizing animals and humans