I They are murdering all the young men. For half a century now, every day, They have hunted them down and k**ed them. They are k**ing them now. At this minute, all over the world, They are k**ing the young men. They know ten thousand ways to k** them. Every year they invent new ones. In the jungles of Africa, In the marshes of Asia, In the deserts of Asia, In the slave pens of Siberia, In the slums of Europe, In the nightclubs of America, The murderers are at work. They are stoning Stephen, They are casting him forth from every city in the world. Under the Welcome sign, Under the Rotary emblem, On the highway in the suburbs, His body lies under the hurling stones. He was full of faith and power. He did great wonders among the people. They could not stand against his wisdom. They could not bear the spirit with which he spoke. He cried out in the name Of the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness. They were cut to the heart. They gnashed against him with their teeth. They cried out with a loud voice. They stopped their ears. They ran on him with one accord. They cast him out of the city and stoned him. The witnesses laid down their clothes At the feet of a man whose name was your name — You. You are the murderer. You are k**ing the young men. You are broiling Lawrence on his gridiron. When you demanded he divulge The hidden treasures of the spirit, He showed you the poor. You set your heart against him. You seized him and bound him with rage. You roasted him on a slow fire. His fat dripped and spurted in the flame. The smell was sweet to your nose. He cried out, “I am cooked on this side, Turn me over and eat, You Eat of my flesh.” You are murdering the young men. You are shooting Sebastian with arrows. He kept the faithful steadfast under persecution. First you shot him with arrows. Then you beat him with rods. Then you threw him in a sewer. You fear nothing more than courage. You who turn away your eyes At the bravery of the young men. You, The hyena with polished face and bow tie, In the office of a billion dollar Corporation devoted to service; The vulture dripping with carrion, Carefully and carelessly robed in imported tweeds, Lecturing on the Age of Abundance; The jackal in double-breasted gabardine, Barking by remote control, In the United Nations; The vampire bat seated at the couch head, Notebook in hand, toying with his decerebrator; The autonomous, ambulatory cancer, The Superego in a thousand uniforms; You, the finger man of behemoth, The murderer of the young men. II What happened to Robinson, Who used to stagger down Eighth Street, Dizzy with solitary gin? Where is Masters, who crouched in His law office for ruinous decades? Where is Leonard who thought he was A locomotive? And Lindsay, Wise as a dove, innocent As a serpent, where is he? Timor mortis conturbat me. What became of Jim Oppenheim? Lola Ridge alone in an Icy furnished room? Orrick Johns, Hopping into the surf on his One leg? Elinor Wylie Who leaped like Kierkegaard? Sara Teasdale, where is she? Timor mortis conturbat me. Where is George Sterling, that tame fawn? Phelps Putnam who stole away? Jack Wheelwright who couldn't cross the bridge? Donald Evans with his cane and Monocle, where is he? Timor mortis conturbat me. John Gould Fletcher who could not Unbreak his powerful heart? Bodenheim butchered in stinking Squalor? Edna Millay who took Her last straight whiskey? Genevieve Who loved so much; where is she? Timor mortis conturbat me. Harry who didn't care at all? Hart who went back to the sea? Timor mortis conturbat me. Where is Sol Funaroff? What happened to Potamkin? Isidor Schneider? Claude McKay? Countee Cullen? Clarence Weinstock? Who animates their corpses today? Timor mortis conturbat me. Where is Ezra, that noisy man? Where is Larsson whose poems were prayers? Where is Charles Snider, that gentle Bitter boy? Carnevali, What became of him? Carol who was so beautiful, where is she? Timor mortis conturbat me. III Was their end noble and tragic, Like the mask of a tyrant? Like Agamemnon's secret golden face? Indeed it was not. Up all night In the fo'c'sle, bemused and beaten, Bleeding at the rectum, in his Pocket a review by the one Colleague he respected, “If he Really means what these poems Pretend to say, he has only One way out —.” Into the Hot acrid Caribbean sun, Into the acrid, transparent, Smoky sea. Or another, lice in his Armpits and crotch, garbage littered On the floor, gray greasy rags on The bed. “I k**ed them because they Were dirty, stinking Communists. I should get a medal.” Again, Another, Simenon foretold His end at a glance. “I dare you To pull the trigger.” She shut her eyes
And spilled gin over her dress. The pistol wobbled in his hand. It took them hours to die. Another threw herself downstairs, And broke her back. It took her years. Two put their heads under water In the bath and filled their lungs. Another threw himself under The traffic of a crowded bridge. Another, drunk, jumped from a Balcony and broke her neck. Another soaked herself in Gasoline and ran blazing Into the street and lived on In custody. One made love Only once with a beggar woman. He died years later of syphilis Of the brain and spine. Fifteen Years of pain and poverty, While his mind leaked away. One tried three times in twenty years To drown himself. The last time He succeeded. One turned on the gas When she had no more food, no more Money, and only half a lung. One went up to Harlem, took on Thirty men, came home and Cut her throat. One sat up all night Talking to H.L. Mencken and Drowned himself in the morning. How many stopped writing at thirty? How many went to work for Time? How many died of prefrontal Lobotomies in the Communist Party? How many are lost in the back wards Of provincial madhouses? How many on the advice of Their psychoan*lysts, decided A business career was best after all? How many are hopeless alcoholics? René Crevel! Jacques Rigaud! Antonin Artaud! Mayakofsky! Essenin! Robert Desnos! Saint Pol Roux! Max Jacob! All over the world The same disembodied hand Strikes us down. Here is a mountain of d**h. A hill of heads like the Khans piled up. The first-born of a century Slaughtered by Herod. Three generations of infants Stuffed down the maw of Moloch. IV He is dead. The bird of Rhiannon. He is dead. In the winter of the heart. He is Dead. In the canyons of d**h, They found him dumb at last, In the blizzard of lies. He never spoke again. He died. He is dead. In their antiseptic hands, He is dead. The little spellbinder of Cader Idris. He is dead. The sparrow of Cardiff. He is dead. The canary of Swansea. Who k**ed him? Who k**ed the bright-headed bird? You did, you son of a b**h. You drowned him in your co*ktail brain. He fell down and died in your synthetic heart. You k**ed him, Oppenheimer the Million-k**er, You k**ed him, Einstein the Gray Eminence. You k**ed him, Havanahavana, with your Nobel Prize. You k**ed him, General, Through the proper channels. You strangled him, Le Mouton, With your mains étendues. He confessed in open court to a pince-nezed skull. You shot him in the back of the head As he stumbled in the last cellar. You k**ed him, Benign Lady on the postage stamp. He was found dead at a Liberal Weekly luncheon. He was found dead on the cutting room floor. He was found dead at a Time policy conference. Henry Luce k**ed him with a telegram to the Pope. Mademoiselle strangled him with a padded bra**iere. Old Possum sprinkled him with a tea ball. After the wolves were done, the vaticides Crawled off with his bowels to their cla**rooms and quarterlies. When the news came over the radio You personally rose up shouting, “Give us Barabbas!” In your lonely crowd you swept over him. Your custom-built brogans and your ballet slippers Pummeled him to d**h in the gritty street. You hit him with an album of Hindemith. You stabbed him with stainless steel by Isamu Noguchi, He is dead. He is Dead. Like Ignacio the bullfighter, At four o'clock in the afternoon. At precisely four o'clock. I too do not want to hear it. I too do not want to know it. I want to run into the street, Shouting, “Remember Vanzetti!” I want to pour gasoline down your chimneys. I want to blow up your galleries. I want to bum down your editorial offices. I want to slit the bellies of your frigid women. I want to sink your sailboats and launches. I want to strangle your children at their finger paintings. I want to poison your Afghans and poodles. He is dead, the little drunken cherub. He is dead, The effulgent tub thumper. He is Dead. The ever living birds are not singing To the head of Bran. The sea birds are still Over Bardsey of Ten Thousand Saints. The underground men are not singing On their way to work. There is a smell of blood In the smell of the turf smoke. They have struck him down, The son of David ap Gwilym. They have murdered him, The Baby of Taliessin. There he lies dead, By the Iceberg of the United Nations. There he lies sandbagged, At the foot of the Statue of Liberty. The Gulf Stream smells of blood As it breaks on the sand of Iona And the blue rocks of Canarvon. And all the birds of the deep sea rise up Over the luxury liners and scream, “You k**ed him! You k**ed him. In your God damned Brooks Brothers suit, You son of a b**h.”