Hello, and welcome to Korean Language 101. In this educational audio textbook, you are going learn key phrases of Korean language, which are required to communicate and express yourself. Each expression will be pronounced by native speakers and will be followed by dialogues from everyday life situations Unit 1. Greetings Expression A 안녕하세요 Unit 24. Compliment Expression A 잘 자 Unit 666. Swear Expression A 씨발놈 OMG Oh poor kenny.. What happened to you? Where's the hospitality? You're not gonna greet me with your Punchlines and sh**? Ok, let's talk business, straight. The way I see it, there are only two options. Option 1, not my favorite, You just apologize. In case you don't know what you apologize for, it's that very arrogance of yours. Running illegal fightclub, radio broadcast, claiming your actions are not against our people? Shame on you, Kenny. But still if you apologize, we're gonna untie you, hell who knows? Maybe we'll give you some candy bars or sh**
But As I told you, option 1 is not my favorite. You know why? Cuz it's rational. You see people they worship rationality, reason, efficiency. They overvalue it, that rationality is running the goddamn world and sh**. But you and I, we came from difference place. We know that we're never gonna play by their f**ing rules, and live as strangers till the last day. So in a sense, I admire you. You just did what you are, and to be honest, it makes me feel that I'm not doing what I am. That I'm changed, giving up to this f**ing world. So If you're so kind and if you're the man that I'm believing you to be, here's the option 2. You just outrage, go crazy and sh**, like you always do. And giving me the chance to do what I am. Then both of us face the very fate of our kind. Extinction. It's up to you Kenny f** you, modaf**a