The shadowed skies are darkening the souls The countdown of a mess destruction has just begun The unexpected invasion of a powerful Sovereign The imperious is strategically based in tactical positions A strategy of advanced and technological superior races Is dominating the vulnerable crust of earth Malevolent kingdom emerging from the deepest grounds Inauspicious and unforeseen total overrun Extracting the intelligence from our brains Conquering the underdeveloped humanity The invincibleness invasion of unearthly forces are Chaotically defeating our technology Into a global system barbarity
An Irreversible Systematic deficiency Infected bases in the plugged connectivity Constant failures by undroppable emulation Harming security systems in complete functionality The entire dynamical dial communications Are manifesting the abnormal data transmission of incompatibility Disconnectedness is rejected Nonrespondent controls removing all safeness programmability Inter terrestrial alliance are virtually Extracting cla**ified documentation Unmanageable total extinction Now we're deceived followers ovating their Magnificent sovereignty