1. Sarah pulled the chicken breast from the freezer and turned on the sink. After she filled a pot mostly full of water, she placed the chicken under the running stream. The pot sat on the stove with the burner on medium high because she did not want to water to start boiling too soon. Then Sarah set aside the jumbo shell noodles that she would boil at the latest minute possible. While the chicken continued to thaw, she grabbed the ricotta cheese, fresh grated parmesan and mozzarella from the fridge. In a large green bowl, she mixed all the cheeses together and put them aside. By this time, the chicken was half thawed, just the way Sarah liked it. This way the chicken was easier to cube before cooking. Sarah grabbed her santoku knife from the holder and started chopping. The chicken was thrown in a sk**et and set to cook on medium with a little bit of Lawry's seasoned salt. Sarah grabbed a medium saucepan and put bu*ter in the bottom to melt. When it was done, she added whipping cream, salt and pepper before bringing it to a soft boil. She stirred the chicken to make sure none of it was burning, added the noodles to the now boiling water, and then returned her attention to the sauce. For the final touches, she added the parmesan cheese to the mixture and stirred until it was melted. With the cheese sauce on low, she took the cooked chicken off the stove and set it aside to cool. The noodles finished ten minutes later. Sarah poured them into a strainer and let them sit while she added the chicken to the cheese mixture in the bowl. Set preheated the oven and pulled out a gla**-baking pan. Sarah set to stuffing the noodles with the chicken and cheeses; after each one was filled, she placed them side by side in the pan. After all the noodles were filled and the pan was almost over flowing, Sarah poured the cheese sauce over top of them and placed it in the over to cook.
6. A pale three-year-old girl sits in front of a Christmas tree with a smile that goes ear to ear. Full mouth of teeth displayed for the world to see, while her cheeks dip in at two tiny spots. Her cheeks are so puffed up her eyes begin to squint, almost hiding the hazel. The smile of this girl causes her chin to have dimples on each side right below her light pink lips. Her blonde hair, which is tucked behind her ears, falls past her shoulders in loose waves that she barely let mommy comb that morning. Her small hands are in the lap of her red dresses with black polka dots. The black lace belt comes to a bow in the front her belly asking to be played with. The long sleeves also make her want to push them up her arms, but instead she fidgets with the Minnie Mouse character on the bottom left side of the skirt of her dress.