Magnum handle to the head, world turns black. Unconscious state, opened cranium displays your brain. Fractured nose and smashed f**ing cheek bones. Pistol whipped. Magnum handle to the head. Lash out with intent to make you f**ing dead. Blunt force blows makes your skull explodes. Broken jaw and swollen eyes. Fractured nose and smashed f**ing cheek bones. Pistol whipped. Magnum handle to the head. Lash out with intent to make you f**ing dead. Face caves in from overdose of blows.
Disfigurement reaped from my hands. Once human head now pummeled to d**h. Blood and brains mixed in skull. Blood and brains mixed in skull. Face caves in from overdose of blows. Disfigurement reaped from my hands. Once human head now pummeled to d**h. Pistol whipped. Magnum handle to the head. Pistol whipped. With intent to make you f**ing dead. Pistol whipped. Pistol whipped. Pistol whipped. Pistol whipped. Pistol whipped.