[BURR] After the war I went back to New York 革命完事我回去紐約市 [HAMILTON] A-After the war I went back to New York 革-革命完事我回去紐約市 [BURR] I finished up my studies and I practiced law 順利畢業了之後我當律師 [HAMILTON] I practiced law, Burr worked next door 我當律師 波爾隔壁做事 [BURR] Even though we started at the very same time 雖然我們兩個一起同時上任 Alexander Hamilton began to climb 亞歷山大漢默頓開始上升 How to account for his rise to the top? 他竄紅靠的是什麼辦法? Maaaaan, the man is 誒~ 這傢伙 [BURR & ENSEMBLE] Non-stop! 停不下! [HAMILTON] Gentlemen of the jury, I'm curious, bear with me 陪審團各位紳士,我們在此,為這事 Are you aware that we're making hist'ry? 你知不知道正在寫歷史? This is the first murder trial of our brand-new nation 這是國家獨立後首件謀殺案例 The liberty behind 同儕裁定背後 Deliberation— 的民主意義 [ENSEMBLE] Non-stop! 停不下! [HAMILTON] I intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt 我準備不容置疑地說服你釋放他 With my a**istant counsel— 和我的助理律師 [BURR] Co-counsel 協理律師 Hamilton, sit down 漢默頓 坐下 Our client Levi Weeks is innocent. Call your first witness 我方被告 列維維克 無罪 喚首位證人 That's all you had to say! 這樣說就好! [HAMILTON] Okay! 我了 One more thing— 還有呢-- [BURR] Why do you a**ume you're the smartest in the room? 為什麼你覺得比別人都聰明? Why do you a**ume you're the smartest in the room? 為什麼你覺得比別人都聰明? Why do you a**ume you're the smartest in the room? 為什麼你覺得比別人都聰明? Soon that attitude may be your doom! 這態度有天會要你命! [ENSEMBLE] Awwww! 啊! [BURR] Why do you write like you're running out of time? 為何一直寫好像快沒時間 Write day and night like you're running out of time? 沒日夜地寫好像快沒時間 Ev'ry day you fight, like you're running out of time 每天都感覺好像快沒時間 Keep on fighting. In the meantime— 繼續撒野 在這期間 [ENSEMBLE] Non-stop! 停不下! [HAMILTON] Corruption's such an old song that we can sing along in harmony 貪腐老梗到已經大家都可以一起合音 And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany 但沒有地方能比得上奧巴尼 This colony's economy's increasingly stalling and 這殖民地的經濟繼續持續危機 這 Honestly, that's why public service 個原因 所以公職才會 Seems to be calling me 呼喚著我的名 [BURR & ENSEMBLE] He's just 他可 Non-stop! 停不下! [HAMILTON] I practiced the law, I practic'ly perfected it 我從事法律 法律是我家的事 I've seen injustice in the world and I've corrected it 我矯正了許多世界上不正義的事 Now for a strong central democracy 該有個強力民主中央體 If not, then I'll be Socrates 若不 我當蘇格拉底 Throwing verbal rocks at these mediocrities 用語言向這一堆蠢蛋扔石粒 [ENSEMBLE] Awww! 啊! [BURR] Hamilton, at the Constitutional Convention: 漢默頓 跑去參加美國制憲會議 [HAMILTON] I was chosen for the Constitutional Convention! 我被選上去參加美國制憲會議 [BURR] There as a New York junior delegate: 身份是紐約的青年委員 [HAMILTON] Now what I'm going to say may sound indelicate… 我接下來要說的可能有點欠扁 [COMPANY] Awwww! 啊! [BURR] Goes and proposes his own form of government! 會議上提議 他想出的新政府 [COMPANY] What? 蛤? [BURR] His own plan for a new form of government! 他自己計畫出來的全新政府 [COMPANY] What? 蛤? [BURR] Talks for six hours! The convention is listless! 講了六小時! 大家都快被煩死! [ENSEMBLE MAN] Bright young man… 有想法... [ANOTHER ENSEMBLE MAN] Yo, who the f is this? 靠!誰啊這是! [BURR] Why do you always say what you believe? 為什麼你總把意見說出去 Why do you always say what you believe? 為什麼你總把意見說出去 Ev'ry proclamation guarantees free ammunition for your enemies! 每一次的發言都傳遞 你對手多點免費武器 [BURR & MEN] Why do you write like it's going out of style? 為何一直寫好像時辰快到 Write day and night like it's going out of style? 沒日夜的寫好像時辰快到 [BURR & COMPANY] Ev'ry day you fight like it's 每天都感覺 Going out of style 好像時辰快到 Do what you do 做你會做的 [BURR] Alexander? 亞歷山大? [HAMILTON] Aaron Burr, sir 阿龍波爾 閣下 [BURR] It's the middle of the night 現在是大半夜啊 [HAMILTON] Can we confer, sir? 叨擾一下 閣下 [BURR] Is this a legal matter? 法律上的問題嗎? [HAMILTON] Yes, and it's important to me 是, 對我來說很重要 [BURR] What do you need? 我來瞧瞧 [HAMILTON] Burr, you're a better lawyer than me 波爾 論當律師你比我好 [BURR] Okay 嗯 對 [HAMILTON] I know I talk too much, I'm abrasive 我話有點太多,我太犀利 You're incredible in court. You're succinct, persuasive 你在辯護時好棒。你既簡潔又有力 My client needs a strong defense. You're the solution 我客戶需要好辯護。 你才有辦法。 [BURR] Who's your client? 你客戶是? [HAMILTON] The new U.S. Constitution? 新編好的美國憲法? [BURR ] No 不 [HAMILTON] Hear me out 聽我說 [BURR] No way! 絕不! [HAMILTON] A series of essays, anonymously published 一系列的文章,我們匿名發表 Defending the document to the public 向普羅大眾為新憲法辯護 [BURR] No one will read it 沒有人會看 [HAMILTON] I disagree 我不同意 [BURR] And if it fails? 如果失敗? [HAMILTON] Burr, that's why we need it 波爾,所以才要辦 [BURR] The constitution's a mess 這憲法亂七八糟 [HAMILTON] So it needs amendments 所以要修正案 [BURR] It's full of contradictions 他到處都是矛盾 [HAMILTON] So is independence 獨立也一樣亂 We have to start somewhere 不能不起個頭 [BURR] No. No way 不,見鬼。 [HAMILTON] You're making a mistake 你這樣做不對 [BURR] Good night 晚安 [HAMILTON] Hey 喂 What are you waiting for? 你還在等什麼? What do you stall for? 你在拖什麼? [BURR] What? 蛤? [HAMILTON] We won the war 我們打贏 What was it all for? 都為了什麼? Do you support this constitution? 你是不是支持這憲法?
[BURR] Of course 沒錯 [HAMILTON] Then defend it 那就辯護 [BURR] And what if you're backing the wrong horse? 那萬一你押寶押錯? [HAMILTON] Burr, we studied and we fought and we k**ed 波爾 又學習 又抗敵 又革命 For the notion of a nation we now get to build 為了建立理想的國家 就快要成立 For once in your life, take a stand with pride 這輩子就一次 拜託你壯起膽 I don't understand how you stand to the side 我不懂你怎麼能袖手旁觀 [BURR] I'll keep all my plans close to my chest 我要把我的計劃保密 [ENSEMBLE] Wait for it, wait for it, wait… 為此等候 為此等候 等... [BURR] I'll wait here and see 我要等著看 Which way the wind 何處能避 Will blow 風頭 I'm taking my time 我耐心等候 Watching the 注意著 Afterbirth of a nation 一個國家的新生 Watching the tension grow 看著緊張氣候 [ANGELICA] I am sailing off to London 我要出發去到倫敦 I'm accompanied by someone who always pays 陪伴我的人他為我一擲千金 I have found a wealthy husband 我找到了有錢先生 Who will keep me in comfort for all my days 他能讓我下半輩子衣食無慮 He is not a lot of fun, but there's no one 他並不是很有趣,但沒有人 Who can match you for turn of phrase 能像你般字字珠璣 My Alexander 我的亞歷山大 [HAMILTON] Angelica 安潔莉卡 [ANGELICA] Don't forget to write 別忘了寫信 [ELIZA] Look at where you are 看看你在哪 Look at where you started 看看你從哪開始 The fact that you're alive is a miracle 你活了下來就是個奇蹟 Just stay alive, that would be enough 你活下來,那就足夠了 And if your wife could share a fraction of your time 若我能有 你的時間幾分之幾 If I could grant you peace of mind 若我能給你點寧靜 Would that be enough? 足不足夠了? [BURR] Alexander joins forces with James Madison and John Jay to write a series of essays defending the new United States Constitution, entitled The Federalist Papers. The plan was to write a total of twenty-five essays, the work divided evenly among the three men. In the end, they wrote eighty-five essays, in the span of six months. John Jay got sick after writing five. James Madison wrote twenty-nine. Hamilton wrote the other fifty-one! 亞歷山大和詹姆士麥迪遜還有約翰傑伊,一起聯手準備發行一系列文章來為新編的美國憲法辯護,名為聯邦黨人文集。原本的計畫是要寫二十五篇文章,平均分配三人。到最後,他們六個月之內寫了八十五篇。約翰傑伊寫了五篇就病倒了,詹姆士麥迪遜寫了二十九篇。漢默頓寫了餘下的五十一篇! [BURR] How do you write like you're running out of time? 怎麼一直寫好像快沒時間 Write day and night like you're running out of time? 沒日夜地寫好像快沒時間 [BURR AND MEN] Ev'ry day you fight like you're running out of time 每天都感覺好像快沒時間 Like you're running out of time 好像你快沒時間 Are you running out of time? 你是不是沒時間? [ALL WOMEN] Awwww! 啊! [FULL COMPANY (EXCEPT HAMILTON)] How do you write like tomorrow won't arrive? 怎麼寫得好像明天到不了? How do you write like you need it to survive? 怎麼寫得好像不寫活不了? How do you write ev'ry second you're alive? 怎麼寫得在你活的每一秒? Ev'ry second you're alive? Ev'ry second you're alive? 在你活的每一秒?在你活的每一秒? [WASHINGTON] They are asking me to lead 他們要讓我帶領 I am doing the best I can 我要把人才找夠 To get the people that I need 才能讓政府順利運行 I'm asking you to be my right hand man 我邀請你來當我左右手 [HAMILTON] Treasury or State? 財政或外交? [WASHINGTON] I know it's a lot to ask 我知道要求很多 [HAMILTON] Treasury or State? 財政或外交? [WASHINGTON] To leave behind the world you know… 要放棄你熟悉的所有 [HAMILTON] Sir, do you want me to run the Treasury or State department? 大人,您要我當財政還是外交部長? [WASHINGTON] Treasury 財政部 [HAMILTON] Let's go 我們走 [ELIZA] Alexander… 亞歷山大... [HAMILTON] I have to leave 我得要去 [ELIZA] Alexander— 亞歷山大— [HAMILTON] Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now 看看哪 看看哪 我們能活在現在是有多美好 [ELIZA] Helpless… 無助... [HAMILTON] They are asking me to lead 他們要讓我帶領 [ELIZA] Look around, isn't this enough? 看看哪,難道不夠嗎? [ANGELICA] He will never be satisfied 他永遠都不會滿足 He will never be satisfied 他永遠都不會滿足 Satisfied 不滿足 Satisfied… 不滿足 He will never be satisfied 他永遠都不會滿足 Satisfied… 不滿足... Satisfied... 不滿足... Why do you fight like 為什麼感覺 [ELIZA] What would be enough 什麼才足夠 To 全 Be satisfied 都不滿足 Satisfied 不滿足 Satisfied… 不滿足 Look around 看看哪 Look around! 看看哪 Isn't this enough? 這還不夠嗎? What would be enough? 什麼才夠呢? Why do you fight like 為什麼感覺 [WASH] History has its eyes… 歷史的目光照 On… 耀 You! 你 [WASH/MULL/LAUR/LAF] History has its eyes… 歷史的目光照 On… 耀 You... 你 [BURR] Why do you a**ume you're the smartest in the room? 為什麼你覺得比別人都聰明? Why do you a**ume you're the smartest in the room? 為什麼你覺得比別人都聰明? Why do you a**ume you're the smartest in the room? 為什麼你覺得比別人都聰明? Soon that attitude's gonna be your doom! 有天那態度會要你命 Why do you fight like you're running out of time? 為什麼感覺好像快沒時間 Why do you fight like 為什麼感覺 [Ens] Non-stop! 停不下! Non-stop! 停不下! Non-stop! 停不下! Non-stop! 停不下! [COMPANY] History has its eyes on you 歷史的目光照耀你 [HAMILTON] I am not throwin' away my shot! 我不會放棄我這一發 [MEN] Just you wait! 等著我! [HAMILTON] I am not throwin' away my shot! 我不會放棄我這一發 [FULL COMPANY] Just you wait! 等著我! [HAMILTON] I am Alexander Hamilton (Hamilton)! 我是亞歷山大漢默頓(漢默頓)! [MEN] Just you wait! 等著我! [HAMILTON] I am not throwin' away my shot! 我不會放棄我這一發