[Narrator] It's so sophisticated This grey, no right or wrong Lay with one in the daylight And the other all night long. It must feel so romantic Erotic and unkind They're living in a French film The roles are all a**igned So switch the film to black and white Get François Truffaut Grease the lense, adjust the light She's Deneuve, he's Bellmondo As long as no one knows A flash zoom in and focus The ones they left behind
Seeing clear all those little clues, now expose them Two bodies intertwined So switch the film to black and white Get François Truffaut Grease the lense, adjust the light Jules et Jim, and Jeanne Moreau But don't they always know Tears look so damn beautiful Glistening on the screen But no one thinks they're pretty In a real-life crying scene Step off the screen It's so sophisticated Cue the crying scene