[Verse 1: Juggalo Ryda] Help me I'm trapped in here I can't get out There's nothing There's no air I can't get out Please help me Dig up this grave It's filled with concrete Please get me out You gotta help me get out Please help me get out I can't get out I can't breathe There's been no air for 15 days Please help me get out I've been stuck here more than a week Please help me get out I can't do it without you Please help me get out I need your help Dig up this grave Get me out [Verse 2: Juggalo Ryda] There's no air I feel like I'm dying I lose conscious almost every 5-10 minutes So help me get out There's no air Just please dig me up I don't wanna be here I wanna be where there's oxygen, air, h20 I need water I need oxygen Please get me out It's so dry down here I feel like I'm breathing in dust Like dirt I can't get out It's like solid concrete I pound on it but it ain't going nowhere I feel like I'm in a dried up casket One that's been laying there, filled with concrete One that's made out of rocks Like the stone ages I feel like I'm stuck in a rock Like a little f**ing cocoon I can't move around I'm stuck in this world I'm stuck in this little damn thing No one can hear me Cause I'm so far underground I got trapped here [Verse 3: Juggalo Ryda] There's no way I'm getting out So if you can please help me get out Dig it up, tell somebody
Help me get out I need outta here alive Please dig it up I ain't gonna live unless people help dig it up There's no oxygen I'm already losing conscious Hurry, I can't breathe Help me out here Please dig it up I need oxygen If not, I'm gonna be done Again I'm stuck in this ditch No one can hear me No one can find me No one can see me No one can even smell me They have guard dogs on the surface looking for me cause I'm wanted by the FBI But they can't f**ing find me This concretes like, I don't know, maybe a mile thick I can't get out I'm trapped here There's no way out There's no air There's no holes There's no nothing I'm stuck in one little piece I feel like I'm dead I can't move an inch Can't move at all I'm stuck here There ain't noone out there That knows I'm even here They walk on top of me They don't even know I'm here But they do know one thing.. I'm f**ing missing But hey, why would they care It's just me Hell, I'm far from the surface I don't know how much longer I have left Before I lose conscious or I die There's no way out I'm stuck here again There's no time to spare I can't be talking about this anymore My options are running low as it is Gone I feel like I'm on the Everest mountains Mount. Everest But I know I'm not I'm just way far underground In a dirt and concrete cave Just help me get out