[Juggalo Ryda] Here's my next song, it's called Hater Party, alright check it here's the beat (sh**-tier beat begins playing) Me and some other juggalo rydas, we're going down Route 66 We seen a bar on the right, we pulled in We saw a lot of vehicles so maybe (stutter) we thought something was going on tonight It's Friday night, see that we're f**ing up, right So I went it, here everybody's dancing around, saying "f** the juggalo rydas" So, we brought our hatchets and our pistols, we raid on them We're like, "What the f** did you say, you little b**h?" Leader comes out, he says, "You best get the f** out of here, f*ggots" I was like, "fu*k YOU MAN!" So I shot him, he fell to the motherf**ing ground The rest of the haters, they had all these god damn knives, switchblades and sh**... So I'm like, "Alright, let's go!" Me and my three other homies, MK was one of them He went over, jumped off the side of the building Did a side-flip, and sliced three necks open I went straight in, two hatchets, cut them straight down My other two homies had the machine guns They just started gunning down people to my right and left The hater party was soon disappearing People were locked up in their office We beat the sh** out of the door till we finally got in We went in, all we seen was blood squirting all over the walls Cuz we cut 'em all open Everyone started running for the fire exit My other two homies were sitting there and saying "C'mon b**hes, try and run for it!" They tried to pick up their speed and run the other way Too late, they already got gunned down Too late for them, they shouldn't have f**ing hated
It's called join the crew, don't be a hater You're risking your life (stutter) too many f**ing times, b**h WAY too many times You wanna hate on us juggalos? Big a** f**ing mistake So this hater party's over We go down, there's another one, two of 'em, one across from each other, right and left We pull in to the right, we take that one out first Barely had any people in it The other one looked like a damn matching Went in, wrecked right through it My two homies, shooting out the back windows I'm doing donuts, everyone's just falling to the ground (Stutter) Filled with lead, bullet holes I jump out, MK takes the wheel and the gas He drives right through the other wall to make an entrance and an exit When I jumped out, I threw out my hatchet But I still had my favorite one in my hustler... hoster So I pulled it out, I cut them all down till I got back to my other one I grabbed that one and I cut down some other ones They all fell, no one cared, we all just said "Oh well, they're haters! What are they gonna do, try and pick up our fingerprints? We ain't got none! Cuz we're too damn smart, too damn intelligent We know how to do our job" The hater parties are done on Route 66, so we left, we were heading back Two vans full of haters were popping up AK47s and M47 shotguns firing at us MK had a .50 caliber mounted on the back He gunned out their wheels, they wrecked into each other All you see is this big explosion We start laughing, everything's over now, we going home We don't see sh**, peace and quiet No haters on this block, no haters anywhere They're gone for now, might see 'em later