Once there was a barber, a barber who lived in Spain. He was a barbering fool, a shaving fool, a shaving fool, from Spain. He was kind of crazy, he was always singing in the rain. His name was Figaro the barber of Seville. Hi-ho. Hi-de-ho. Figaro. Hi-de-ho-de-ho-de-ho-he-he-higaro. Fide-fode-fode-fode-fig-fig-Figaro. Figaro was Spanish. Everytime there was a bull fight, he'd quit.
Shave and a hair cut, six bits. Hi-de-ho, Figaro. Hi-de-ho, Figaro. Hi-de-ho-ho-de-ho, fig-fig-Figaro. Hi-de-ho, Figaro. Hi-de-ho, Figaro. Hi-de-ho-ho-de-ho, fig-fig-Figaro. Ho-ha-ha-ha, zig-zig-zig-zig-zig-zigaro Ho-ha-ha-ha, fig-fig-fig-fig-fig-Figaro. Hi-de-ho, Figaro. Hi-de-fig. Hi-de-fig. Figaro! Were gona work it out tonight.