Well! How did I ever get mixed up with such a fathead? How did I ever get involved with such a dunce? How could I ever love a man who has a taste of a goat, And let the best years of my life go all to waste, unquote. Really! I 'spose you'd rather have that dame you used to go with. The one with scraggly hair who never took a bath. I may be dumb but I'm twice as smart as you; So there, so scram, so long, get lost!
This time we're really through. Go back to your comic books you mental giant. From now on I'm goin' to be so self-relient You won't know me. You were the one who stared it. I'll be the one to finish it. [speaking] Go ahead. Strike me, you BRUTE! You wouldn't dare. [singing] Stay away, don't touch me. Don't come any nearer or I'll scream! [speaking] I mean it, I'll scream!