9.30.2013 : --------Out----------- 10.1.2013 : The girls are about to fight . Ellie lies to everybody and hide the truth of the night the other girl got raped . The girls friends with the one who got raped are hara**ing her . They start calling her fat & telling her shes worthless. But ellie doesn't back down , she talks back . 10.2.2013 : Ellie and stacy fought . Stacy smacked the life out of ellie she thought she had a concussion . Then she started too feel dizzy. A teacher came and broke it up. He took the girls inside to write a statement on what happened. He left ellie alone and she stared feeling lightheaded. colors were changing and she went into a daze
10.3.2013 : Mikey and his girl , siernna , had s**. and he left her for his friend. while they were having s** , ellie texted him . He wasn't expecting it .