On the beach before the flood, I watch ships Full of frightened people and animals Sailing toward the horizon in search Of dry land and long life. Time is evil, And the way the light hits the waves proves this, As does the smell of rotting cypress trees. When I was innocent, I climbed those trees To keep their crowns, where I'd count the masts of ships. I kept meticulous records of this Count, along with a list of animals I could see form above, until evil Appeared as a correlation: the search For wildlife grew difficult when the search For boats at sea was easy. Then the trees Disappeared also, and so did evil, Into the hearts of everyone. The ships Grew cannons, people walked with animals On leashes: horrible dogs. All of this Was a warning, but we understood this
As progress. Crawl, then walk, then run, then search, Then stalk. To eat dangerous animals Meant to evolve, as did to cut down trees In order to build ever larger ships. In my hands I feel the pain of evil. It is a specific type of evil. I worked in the sea's troughs and crests, and this Day's doom is a reminder of the ships Where my austere life leaned forward. My search For nothing returned me to rotting trees And the ghostly land of wild animals Whose shapes in clouds evoke youth -- animals Bred until their good became our evil. A voice in my head says the masts are trees, The coming storm will return all of this Corruption to innocence, and my search Will again mean no more than counting ships.