It's easy now to see that Patty would have been well advised to take some years to develop a career and a more solid post-athletic identity, get some experience with other kinds of men, and generally acquire more maturity before embarking on being a mother. But even though she was finished as an intercollegiate player, there was still a shot clock in her head, she was still in the buzzer's thrall, she needed more than ever to keep winning. And the way to win--her obvious best shot at defeating her sisters and her mother--was to marry the nicest guy in Minnesota, live in a bigger and better and more interesting house that anybody else in her family, pop out the babies, and do everything as a parent that Joyce hadn't. And Walter, despite being an avowed feminist and annually renewing Student-level member of Zero Population Growth, embraced her entire domestic program without reservation, because she really was exactly what he wanted in a woman.