WAQAMB' AMANGA MUS' UKUQAMB' AMANGA (you were lying, do not tell lies) WANGI QAMBELA AMANGA UFUNA UKUNGILAHLISA ITHEMBA LAMI WEMAME! (You told lies, trying to mislead me, so that I would give up my faith and hope.) WASHO NJALO! WATHI IKUSASA LETHU SELIMNYAMA HAWU WASI QAMBELA AMANGA (that is what you said -- you said that our future is hopeless, our tomorrow is bleak, you were lying, trying to mislead us) NGEKE SIVUMA -- NGEKE SILAHLA ITEMBA (No can do! we will never relinquish our faith) Chorus: KUZULONGA UKUTHI NINI? ASAZI! (Everything will be all right -- It's just when this will be, we cannot know) KUZOLONGA WENA 'MNGANE WAMI (Everything will come right, I tell you friend]] MASUKU LAHLA ITHEMBA LAKHO (Do not throw away your hope) MINA NGAPHA WENA NGAPHA SIZOYI BAMBA (Me holding on one side, you holding on the other side together we will pull through) THINA NAWE, THINA NAWE (you and me, you and me) UMOYA WAMI ONAKELE (my spirits are down) WENA WEMTAKA ANTIE HAWU WANGI SHAYISA UVALO (I say to you child of my aunt, you have caused me great fear) WASHO NJALO! WATHI IKUSASA LETHU SELIMNYAMA HAWU WASI QAMBELA AMANGA (You told lies, trying to mislead me, so that I would give up my faith and hope.) WASHO NJALO! WATHI IKUSASA LETHU SELIMNYAMA HAWU WASI QAMBELA AMANGA
(that is what you said -- you said that our future is hopeless, our tomorrow is bleak, you were lying, trying to mislead us) NGEKE SIVUMA -- NGEKE SILAHLA ITEMBA (No can do! we will never relinquish our faith) Chorus: KUZULONGA UKUTHI NINI? ASAZI! (Everything will be all right -- It's just when this will be, we cannot know) KUZOLONGA WENA 'MNGANE WAMI (Everything will come right, I tell you friend) KUZOLONGA 'MNGANE WAMI NGIYAKUTSHELA (It will be all right my friend, I'm telling you) WOZA WESIBINDI! UYAPHILISA UYABULALA (come true courage, for it is you who gives life and takes it away MINA NGAPHA -- WENA NGAPHA SIZOYIBAMBA (me on this side, you on the other, we will hold it together) UNGALALLELI LAW' AMANGA 'MNGANE WAMI (don't listen to the lies of my compatriot) OH SIZOBAHLULA THINA NAWA (we will be victorious in the end, just you and me) OH THINA NAMA (just you and me) I saw the Berlin Wall fall I saw Mandela walk free I saw a dream whose time has come Change my history -- so keep on dreaming Deam on dreamer, dreamer In the best of times and in the worst of times gotta keep looking at the skyline not at a hole in the road Your time will come, sister, your time will come nobody's gonna rush history, we have to ease it along -- just ease it along