VERSE 1 Jesus made Wine from water How Cool Is That! Jesus made The blind man see How Cool Is That! Jesus made The lame man walk How Cool Is That! But He did somthing much cooler than all these... CHORUS He died then came alive agian Which might sound odd But now there is no doubting that Jesus is God VERSE 2 Jesus could Walk on water How Cool Is That! Jesus calmed The raging seas How Cool Is That! Jesus could Cast out demons
How Cool Is That! But He did somthing much cooler than all these... CHORUS He died then came alive agian Which might sound odd But now there is no doubting that Jesus is God (kazoo solo) CHORUS He died then came alive agian Which might sound odd But now there is no doubting that Jesus is God He died then came alive agian Which might sound odd But now there is no doubting that Jesus Jesus is God