We are all children of the Earth Kids Moms Dads Aunts Uncles Grandmothers Grandfathers We are all children of Earth The Earth is our Mother Mother Earth is for all of us We must all be kind to our Mother Take care of her and love her Mother Earth has many children All living things are her children The plants animals birds fish insects Reptiles and the people The human beings have responsibilities To take care of the living Natural World The Mother takes care of us Provides all we have
If we do not care for her She cannot care for us The human beings have thoughts And can act on three thoughts How the human beings think affects All the living things Human beings are care takers To take care of Mother Earth Protect her with good thought We are all children of Earth We are all children of Earth Kids Moms Dads Aunts Uncles Grandmothers Grandfathers We are all children of Earth The Earth is our Mother Mother Earth is for all of us