As fearless leader of the Ravensk** militia The blood of warriors Flows throughout my veins My brother's gift remains my secret ammunition It is our hope of pride A catalyst for change Still the fires of revolution burn within my eyes On this perilous road to freedom He's our one and only guide For many years it seemed our people starved and suffered How many more would die Before we stand and fight? They asked me Arhys ''Could things be any tougher?'' The answer's no surprise “Yes, you bet your life!” Now the fires of revolution won't burn for evermore I see liberty in our future And it's one worth fighting for We all long for a better life
Like a dream that can't be denied This is the moment Now is the time Freedom if we live or if we die I shall give him a better life I swore this vow to my dying wife Sure she would not survive Peacefully She slipped away The meaning in my life Was born that day And so I found the strength to carry on with this crusade It is my fate Evangeline You lived a life of misery and pain Evangeline I'll never let your memory die in vain Evangeline My heavy heart still bleeds I dedicate my life to set him free And I will carry on to plant the seeds I promise in the name of our new son This battle won't be over until it's won