These are the thoughts of a father On the wedding day of his daughter As his mind wanders back to the first time he held her He looks at her now, the same pride in his eyes As onto the dance floor they glide It's the dance of the bride and her father. [Chorus] Dance with me daughter of mine On this your wedding day Dance with me daughter of mine You'll soon be going away I've loved you since you first began Now you've met a new man But I love you so, and this you must know That my love won't falter So dance with me daughter Beautiful daughter of mine. We walk down the aisle
On my face there's a smile But deep in my heart there's a tear Our friends and relations are here in the church With smiles ontheir faces they stare As we walk t'ward the man who has stolen your heart And to whom I must give you away BUt I wish you love and happiness too On this your wedding day Chorus The dance has begun We twirl around the floor But I know you're not my little girl anymore A lovely young woman has taken her place And there's happiness written all over her face But always remember although we must part You may leave my arms but never my heart. Chorus