Lists for this and lists for that 1. put the dog out 2. feed the cat 3. close the windows in the flat I'm always making lists. Lists for shopping at the store List of items - Forty Four! List of clothes for holiday must buy myself some shorts today. List to starboard - List to Port stupid clothes on cruise I've brought most essentials I have missed how I regret I lost my list. List of birthdays in my book List of photographs I took
List of songs by Dr Hook I'm always making lists. List for my funeral when I'm dead YES - just in case wrong words are said Especially by my brother Fred So I've prepared a list............ A list of things for them to do When 'Peter's Gate' hoves into view Hymn one - a prayer - and then hymn two A lovely poem from Sister Sue A eulogy form Father Pugh And Dancing Group from Timbuktu I hope I will be missed So I've prepared a LIST! ! !