Now a little old lady by the name of Ma Baker lived out of town on one square acre In a little white house with a picket fence all around She had a kind and a gentle way till the day the TVA Tried to make Ma Baker sell her little acre of land They showed her a map of how the river ran and a sketch of a brand new dam But Ma Baker wouldn't sell her little acre of land She said Pa left this to me sonny and I wouldn't sell for love nor money No sir Ma Baker's gonna keep her little acre of land The next time they came they brought the sheriff Found Ma a rockin' in an old porch chair
Just a knittin' and a rockin' out in the evening sun She said I think you best to wait and don't just step through the picket gate And on Ma's lap they noticed Pa's old shotgun [ harmonica ] Yeah now out in the middle of the brand new lake is a little island of one square acre And Ma Baker's just as happy as she can be And she can't swim but she can float and catch big ba** from her motor boat And when the wind ain't blowin' too much she can water ski Yeah and my Baker still owns her little acre of land