This disc concerns those those pouting prima-donnas Found within the swelling J. Arthur Ranks of the s**ational psycle s*uts Those nubile nihilists of the North Circular The lean leonine leatherette lovelies of the Leeds intersection Luftwaffe angels locked in a pagan paradise No cash A pa**ion for trash The tough madonna whose cro-magnon face and crab nebular curves haunt the highways of the UK Whose harsh credo captures the collective libido like lariats Their lips pushed in a neon-arc of dodgems Delightfully disciplined, dumb but deluxe Deliciously deliciously deranged Twin-wheeled existentialists steeped in the sterile excrements of a doomed democracy
Whose post-nietzschean sensibilities reject the bovine gregariousness of a senile oligarchy Whose god is below zero, whose hero is a dead boy Condemned to drift like forgotten sputniks in the fool's orbit bound for a victim's future In the pleasure dromes and ersatz bodega bars of the free world The mechanics of love grind like organs of iron to a standstill Hands behind your backs In a noxious gas of cheek to cheek totalitarianism Hail the psycle s*uts Go go the gland gringos For the gonad a-go-go age of compulsory cunnilingusa