you say we did it and i'm the dad my lawyer's trippin' cuz this looks bad you only said this to get my cash and now selena gomez is going to kick my a** It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo i'm telling you it's not mine Now there's a lawsuit girl quit playin' paternity test are you insane? girl please stop talking just let this go I'll buy you anything I'll buy you any ring you said i didn't use protection i only lasted 30 seconds but that's not true no, that's a lie it was totally more like 45 It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby
Nooooooo It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo i'm telling you it's not mine RAP When i was sixteen i had my first s** it was backstage at my concert in a bathroom i saw my first breast She was my first lover gotta ____ that bathroom sink i forgot to put a rubber on my shrinky dink gotta use some T & A the misionary ____ in the lavatory so she wants my DNA and now i gotta go on to my _____ the show she had me feeling happy but now i'm feeling crappy her claims i did not flatly i ain't that baby's daddy Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo It's Not My Baby, Baby, Baby Nooooooo i'm telling you it's not mine