Jesus was a dreidel spinner And this we can't forget Paul was Saul before he was Paul and the last supper was a seder Jesus was a dreidel spinner And all his disciples were too So all you Christians remember Your Lord was a Jew So light the menorah Tinsel the tree Give thanks to the wise men and the maccabis Jesus was a dreidel spinner Turned water into wine He did lots of miracles but he never ate pork rind Christmas is for everyone Hannukah is too
All you remember Your Lord was a Jew Light the menorah Tinsel the tree Give thanks to the wise men and the maccabis Jesus was a dreidel spinner And this we can't forget Paul was Saul before he was Paul and the last supper was a seder Jesus was a dreidel spinner And all his disciples were too So Aryan Nations remember He didn't look like you Light the menorah Tinsel the tree Give thanks to the wise men and the maccabis