10/28 Chris brown got arrested again he can't stop getting out of trouble. some people said they where Chris browns bodyguards beating up some fans of his .He's still on probation for the 2009 beating of his ex Rihanna. chris Brown's probation officers in California are looking for him since this new charge is getting charged against him. 10/29 four guys excaped from a jail in oklahoma they broke out from a block wall and crawling through a open space the police have fopund two of the ones that ran away. 10/30 netherworld haunted house is voted one of the top haunted houses in the nation the reason is that cause they have really good special effects on the people that are playing the part of scaring people the creation of the haunted house with the special effects go perfect but sadly the scares are leaving for the season the last day the house will be open is novemer
3rd but its been supper full since the first day they opened so many people from around come just to get scared and have a chance to experience the fright i am going to try to go before it leaves. ive gone before but i need to go agin to experience the scares 10/31 Halloween was first celabrated by Christians Christians began celebrating All Saints Day on November 1 people dressed in costumes as Christian saints to scare away evil spirits, and then went door-to-door, asking for food. just like children do on oct 31 but dress up and ask for candy by saying trick-or-treat.