10-28-13 Chris Brown got arrested for getting into a fight.He got sentenced to jail for 4 years.Chris Brown is becoming a bad person and isn't being a good role model to his younger fans.I like hes songs but I don't like him enough to see him in concert 10-29-13 Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian are single now.I think they should have stayed together because they were a cute couple.But Lamar had messed up and cause their relationship to end.They've only been dating for a year now.I think they rushed into their relationship
10-30-13 The Jonas Brothers use to be this band.They started on Disney Channel called The Jonas Brothers.Nick is the youngest then Joe is in the middle and Kevin is the oldest.Kevin married Dani from his home town. The brothers said that the band broke up because of disagreements about songs 10-31-13 The Heat played the Bulls on Tuesday. Heat team won. Everybody was saying that the Bulls are going to win because Derrick Rose had cam back but they didn't. Heat gotten better with there offense and def-fence