Epic Hero Monomyth: (your hero's name here)0. Status Quo: Dre Parker 1. Call To Adventure:Wanting to learn karate and not be afraid anymore 2. Assistance:Mr. Han trains him and teaches him karate 3. Departure: He goes to a Karate match to deafeat is enemy 4. Trials: he trains hard and he has to defeat many opponents to get to his greates fear his bully 5. Approach: He got into a match with his bully thats been messing with him 6. Crisis: He breaks his leg and almost gets deafeated
7. Treasure: He wins a trophy 8. Result: He gets respect from his bullies and thats been beating him up 9. Return: He goes back home where he lives in china 10. New Life: He feels safe where he lives now and not scared anymore 11. Resolution: After defeating his enemy he gets to be with the girl he likes with no trouble 12. Return To Status Quo: he stays to with his normal life