1 2 3 4 Wooh! Roo was in a skirt and a too small shirt Some how he got duct taped to the bed We tried to hold a seance we kinda danced and chanted Decided on a concert instead John and daniel lit a bunch of candles Did songs on acoustic guitars And i took us to the roof and my lungs kinda hurt From singing and laughing so hard Say yeah (yeah!) I spend the night a middleton's' he put that neil young record on We talked about community and home I slept on the couch, ate three bowls of cap'n crunch And drove myself to little rock alone Later on that evening roxy made me vegan soup
And the show was an explosion of life She took me back to the party, some dude named peach's 21st But we just talked politics all night Say yeah (yeah!) Ok, the very next morning we made tortillas from scratch The two jenny's took me out to the cliffs (true story man) i felt so free like the rocks i was kickin' up over the edge I wanted to jump right in And swim through memphis, sing the blues Get my new best friends to sing along Cause the license plate said the natural state So i wrote this arkansas song Say yeah (yeah!)