Dear Billy How are you? I hope you are well. The flowers are blooming, The plants I can't really tell. I see by your letter You have no intent to come home So I'll take the kid and the house And make out on my own. Dear Billy, I'm trying to say what I feel But the feelings are wrapped up in pain I hope you're enjoying whatever it is You are doing in whoever's name. Well the night it runs cold And it chills to the soul But you wouldn't know, what's the use? It's all one to me, so go ahead and be free After all you've got nothing to lose I still go to school And the kid she goes too
We're learning to silence the fears. When no one is here She calls me 'dear' and I wait for you What else can I do? No nothing has changed It all stays the same. We all remain ever faithful But a little confused Except maybe you who threw the harpoon (?) Are you coming home soon? Dear Billy Please send my regards to your lady I wish her well And I hope that one day we will meet on the far side of hell Well the night's got the moon And the writer his tune (?) But I never had nothing except you On the day that you die We'll sing lullabies In the hopes that you got yours too