[Cookie Monster:] My Whole World Of Boundry, I Can't Go Today, It's Not Day I Shouldn't Go, Jamesha Beard, Kermit the Frog Love Miss Piggy! You Gonna Be Crying Forever, Jamesha, Kermit the Frog Said "I Gotta Love Miss Piggy" And Miss Piggy Said "I Gotta Love Kermie" And You Gnna Be Sad Forever, But You Can't Love Kermit the Frog, And Miss Piggy Will Love Kermie!,
He's Going Out Jamesha Beard, Ain't You Gonna Love Him? She's Kermit the Frog's Best Friend, You Know You Love Kermit the Frog, Muppets Go in Here, And Jamesha Beard Gonna Cry Again, Kermit the Frog Better Know, You Better Know, Why You Love Kermit the Froggie? And We Can Shake Things Over, You Gonna Kiss Kermit, Come On Out!