[Sesame Street:] It's Not That Easy....... [Muppets:] Bein' Green, Bein' Green, Bein' Green, Bein' Green! [Sesame Street:] Jamesha's Wedding Is About To Start, Let's Move It, But Green Is Color of Springs! [Muppets:] It's Not Easy Bein' Green, Having Each Day the Color of the Leaves, She'll Loves Kermit the Frog,
Kermit the Frog Singing "Bein' Green" In Spanish, But Not In English, So Jamesha Will Kiss Kermit the Frog, And I Know Kermit the Frog & Robin the Frog, But Green is the Color of Springs, And Jamesha Will Kiss Kermit, [Sesame Street:] Here Comes the Wedding, He Loves You, Bein..............Green!