[Introduction: Jackie Beat] I'm at the local shopping mall Looking for Back To School bargains for my kids I'm losing my sh** over a sale rack in Chico's When my youngest starts losing his sh** Literally And I am much, much unhappy about that I have to find myself a public restroom Before he has a BM A bowel movement And when we go inside Things get scandalous [Chorus: Jackie Beat] Cause there's a penis in the ladies' room I'll be back real soon I'm gonna go and get security And force that thing to show ID [Verse 1: Jackie Beat] I'm not sure but I think that she was born a man (I'm pretty sure that's a man!) Cause she's a tall drink of water And she's got big, manly hands (Just take a look at those hands!) She's got a really strong jaw And a prominent nose (That's a big honkin' nose!) And I think I see some leg hair Through those cheap pantyhose Oh my [Chorus: Jackie Beat] Now there's a tranny in the ladies' room A left-wing Looney Toon They're always leaving up the toilet lids And molesting little kids SICK! N-no, N-n-no It's none of my business But it's SICK! N-no, N-n-no [Verse 2: Willam] Right next door you'll find the opposite (The total opposite!) A woman dressed like a dude Try'na take a sh** (Takin' a big ole' sh**!) She may look like a fella But he has got a vagina (I'm f**in' freakin' out!) That may fly in California But not in North Carolina Huhhh, huhhh, huh
[Chorus: Willam] There's a vajayjay in the mens' room On a toilet goin' boom boom! The Bible tells me I shouldn't judge But I'm an a**hole who won't budge SICK! N-no, N-n-no It's none of my business But it's SICK! N-no, N-n-no I'm voting Donald Trump! [Verse 3: Jackie Beat] Walked through the door And I saw Caitlyn Jenner Looked my way as she leaned Against the tampon machine She asked "Do you have a quarter?" "It is my time of the month" I threw a handful of pennies And screamed "You don't have a c*nt!" (Watch out, watch out, watch out!) If you're a tranny and you have to pee I don't really f**in' care You can plainly see Live and let live, it's a free country But when I said that I meant normal people I mean [Chorus: Willam] There's a tranny in the ladies' room It's got a peen instead of poon The only man I trust in the least With my son is a Catholic priest Abomination in the ladies' room Serving banana and Fruit of the Looms I know that Jesus doesn't make mistakes And he don't like skirt steaks [Spoken: Jackie Beat] No trannies I don't mean to be rude No. He-shes Cause I'm not in the mood [Chorus: Jackie Beat] Candis Cayne is in the ladies' room Dancing to a show tune And now the baby changing table's broke That's where the trannies sit and do their coke If you're a tranny, better run and hide Cause like a dog, you can poop outside Out!