Too far up, into the sky, so that the hills slip with the wash of the quick brightness. What could the weather shift, bu those changes of place? Manganese on the brow; the rich ore, clouds over the stars, coming inshore- all the power of our sentiment, what we so feel, warming the inclusion, the shade. Watch any road as it lies on the seam of the earth, with that partly turning & falling metaphysic: we believe it even despite the engineers. The power is the wish to move, to recognise a concealed flame in the evening or dawn or whatever. The gleam is history, desire for a night sky during the day too, since the stars circle the hills & our motives without reproach.
The formal circuit is inclusion. The line runs inflected but the shapes are blue & shining. It is the orbit, tides, the fluctual spread, we shiver with reason and with love: the hills are omens, & the weather how long, with the stars, we can wait. Or, it rains and the camber of the road slips into it too-it's all there, as the brickwork or hope for advice. Write a letter, walk across the wet pavement, the lines are taut with strain, maybe they'll snap soon. The explosion is for all of us and I dedicate the results to the fish of the sea and the purity of language: the truth is sadder but who would ask me to hope only for that?