We are easily disloyal, again, and the light touch is so quickly for us, it does permit what each one would give in the royal use of that ter, Given, settled and broken, under the day's sun: that's the pur- pose of the gleam from my eyes, cloud from the base of the spine. Whose silent watching was all spent, all foregone- the silver and wastage could have told you and allowed the touch to pa**. Over the brow, over the lifting feature of how slant in the night. That's how we are disloyal, without constancy to the little play and hurt in the soul. Being less than strict in our gaze; the day flickers and thins and contracts, oh yes and thus does get smaller, and smaller: the northern winter is an age for us and the owl of my right hand is ready for flight. I have already seen its beating search in the sky, hateful, I will not look. By our lights we stand to the sudden pleasure of how the colour is skimmed to the world, and our life does lie as a fallen and slanted thing. If he gives, the even tenor of his open hands, this is display, the way and through to a life of soft invasion. Is constancy such a disloyal thing. With the hurt wish torn by sentiment and how very gross our threshold for pain has become. And the
green tufted sight that we pa**, to and from, trees and the gra** and so much, still permitted by how much we ask. I ask for all of it, being ready to break every constant thing. We are bound and we break, we let loose what we nakedly hold thus, he turns she watches, the hills slip, time changes hands. I ask for it all, and the press is the sea running back up all the conduits, each door fronting on to the street. What you can afford is nothing: the sediment on which we stand was too much, and unasked for. Who is the light linked to the forearm, in which play and raised, up off the ground. I carry you for- ward, the motion is not constant but may in this once have been so, loyalty is regret spread into time, the hurt of how steadily and where it goes. She feels the glimpse over the skin. She is honest: she loves the steady fear. The durable fire. And what you own, in this erotic furtherance, is nothing to do with response or that times do change: the matter is not to go across, ever, making the royal deceit de nos jours. As each one slips and descends, you could call it coming down to the streets and the seedy broken outskirts of the town.