US imperial systems and the corporate media Inflating threats posed by imperial targets Attacking hapless countries is good for big business Imperial managers issue warnings to misinform the Public. Media is complicit, forming a poisoned view of the world Creating ma** attention towards otherwise ignored countries Escalated lies, pressuring the public Manufacturing fanaticism to annihilate the enemy Remember Guatemala, Nicaragua, Kosovo The public cheered for victory, a "triumph for democracy" Foreign economic resources the US needed to control Ma** slaughtering hidden from the eye of the world. US forces in the region, proxy armies invade Yet the media is unwilling to speak of the US as a Threat The immanent victim awaits its own destruction Any actions to defend itself are portrayed as Aggression. The official view-the media's view Unidirectional information, whitewashing the US We live under control, a totalitarian society Disguised as the "good guy", disguised as democracy. Individual words such as "threat" or "aggression" Are never applied to our leaders language or behavior The resultants of a media ideologically subservient The resultants of a media serving a state terrorist Agenda. And the bodies are hidden from the camera to create the illusion "Surgical strikes", "Collateral damage"; all these linguistic diversions Descend into the inferno of a world ruled by hypocritical psychopaths Ethnic slaughter, endless war, perpetual damnation. The year 2003; another violent firestorm
US officials convey Iraq as a threat to our existence A country starved to d**h by US sanctions Iraq poses no threat, its children dying by the millions. The United Snakes of Amerikkka and their dwindling alliance Are the real masters and distributors of Ma** Destructive Weapons With their lapdog media, they'll rain a storm of lies The world's leading terrorist state, no retribution for their crimes. Will we openly an*lyze, will we openly criticize? To ensure our friends and families don't fall victim to their lies. Take the time to an*lyze, take the time to criticize To ensure our friends and families don't fall victim to their lies. Despite all that is portrayed on your local TV news We are witnessing a major change in the population's attitude. Resisting the "virtual parliament" of the private sector Turning the tide against the Western aggressor. Protest around the world with no historical precedent Populations beginning to see the true meaning of the system Anti-Invasion resolution by 50 City Councils of the USA Anti-Invasion protests by millions around the globe today. Public opposition-80% in Spain and Italy Regardless of state allegiance, people thinking for themselves. Public opposition-90% in Britain and Portugal People waking up, taking back their minds. Canaduh regards the US as the greatest threat to world peace When people search out information, awareness will increase. Millions joining the ranks of those opposing globalization Developing pressure against United States Aggression