Lyrics by Invincible and ANOMOLIES Invincible: Storm up to the door thinking that we kicking down using a trojan horse It won't open with force, our moment's short, so what's the last resort? Picking the lock – plan B skeleton key sticking Covered up in gloves and hats so they cant match our description Helixx: A.N.S. masked marauders Hip hop's doctors without borders Operation: No More Lies Kidnaps the daughter of a media mogul Who hijacked the hip hop game We took her to close the gap We demand a prisoner exchange Pri: Now, run in the back room. Don't nobody say sh** Helixx C grab that chick before she runs quick Don't worry 'bout her man, he done made me mad Fold that ni**a like a press shirt and fold him in a body bag Big Tara: In the hummer now we're off as I proudly thought my crew Initiates the long awaited media coup A car pa**es blastin' music from the bullsh** charts Ain't no turning back from here, ANOMOLIES is going hard (There's been a big kidnapping... She screams when the men burst in and started beating her fiance. The young heiress was forced into the trunk of a white car...Police say the whole thing was carried out with commando-like precision...What we received in the mail today appears to be a seven page statement plus a tape recording...and according to the demands we will outline here it says all these things must be publicized in full...which is what we're doing now.) Pri: Now, listen up people: This is our communiqué If you want your daughter, be wise and do just what we say Invincible: Tell the truth - you own both right wing AMs full of haters And the FM's who cater to the lowest common denominator Tara: Tell the truth about payola-based quotas and your motives To hold our attention so you sell it to the highest donor Helixx: Truth is, your companies wanting to stifle freedom of speech Cuz without neutrality, the net will filter what you see Invincible: We resorted to these tactics cuz you know you can afford it We demand our own stations so our voices ain't distorted
Tara: We demand you break bread for the babies – they need educating Updated books and computers for the future they're creating Helixx: We demand that you give us our wireless citywide And make it free so we can truly end the digital divide Pri: We demand that you stop making hip hop commercialized Before it meets its own demise by the devil in disguise. (Dad, I'm ok, I just hope that you'll do what they say, dad, and do it quickly.... I just want you to know that I'm going to do everything I can to get you out of there. It's a little frightening because the initial demand is one that's impossible to meet. However in the next 24-48 hrs I'll be trying my best to come back with some kind of a counter offer that's acceptable.) Invincible: A station, they said you could have it right here, fill out this bureaucratic nightmare They'll tell us if it's up to standard in 5 years. Tara: Gave excuses, no books or computers to the youth Free stickers and hats to every single public school Helixx: They said they're giving us the wireless, it's trash Taxing us with hidden fees, they profit while we crash. Pri: Just because you throw a bone, that don't make it grub Rap stars and Nascar, that's not what we asked for Invincible: You want your daughter? come and get her Tara: But when he arrived, surprise! All that he found was a letter. Invincible: She said, "Pops i've known since i've been grown, You hijacked the minds of the ma**es, Gave 'em Stockholm syndrome I helped ANOMOLIES plot all along To take your monopoly spot, And while you're reading this we're gone." Helixx: Creating our own outlets even if it ain't out yet Seeing typical trends through a critical lens Making media, music, so you have no influence Invincible and Helixx: Mobilizing a movement so your brainwashing is useless (There's an opportunity for a new society to be built on people who are transforming themselves and who are not just opposing those who oppress them.)