What went on in you head when they told you Did you think that it was all a lie? You were leading cattle to the slaughter You still lived when all around you died How many lives did it take to convince you - Did you see that what you did was wrong? Serving d**h to the people of the city Were you so cold you could not see the harm? Mary - Mary - oh the blood of a thousand lives stain your hands Mary - Mary - but you paid the price How did you feel when they said you had k**ed them - did you feel their agony and pain? Or did you think that they were mistaken - you would never, never k** or maim You wouldn't let them cut in your body You thought they were nothing more than fools
When you have to answer to the master Their souls will avenge themselves on you Mary - Mary - oh the blood of a thousand lives stain your hands Mary - Mary - but you paid the price I feel your sorrow, your agony and pain It's time to weep no more, sentence is over, your debt has been paid Lay your soul to rest Did you finally tire of the running - or did your conscience finally get to you? Did they get you when you were not looking? Either way, your game was all through 26 years you were locked from the outside They slammed the door and threw away the key You calmly accepted your 'sentence' For with your d**h you knew you'd then be free