Blood slides costively over ice cold stone with a cognisance of - its - own searching for another exit through the creva**e is glides with great gravity, tears of days before, stain the floor where life's failings landed damaged souls into dangers way The scent of iron and grime amalgamate with the fetid stench of piss and excrement cries and moans echo within these walls for this for this where I work A discovery made long ago has kept me from infirmity I've lived far beyond the epoch that is granted to a being of flesh The indelicate process of corpus delicti dis-po-sal had fallen between the cracks after days of fervent play My first true friend was so pure, honest and beautiful Through the throes of decomposition that before our embrace had ceased all the organs had begun to liquefy, in this moment writhing lustfully in the corporeal fluids and fleshy mess I rose from my coition and I did notice a fresh vigor running through my aching veins
I was returned to a state remembered from a time almost forgot A revelation to behold Thirteen lost souls I claim my own, twelve for purpose and one to hold I slice the first open, alive With no desire for clemency I slide my blade slowly through the skin and sinewy tissue Watch as hot steam rises ethereal in the cold stale air life trickles and tumbles into the putrid black filth of the thermae Four weeks each I allow them to stew and ferment before bathing in the delicious putrefaction and absorbing its life restoring - nutrients Alive and empowered as I was when I first made my bond Eleven starving souls calling for their freedom Chained to my wall, half immersed in decay Another one opened, another replaced Chronological, systematic d**h and decay I will live forever this way A life's lust to outlive the damned I claim the ephemeral essence of whomever I please