I seem to build up a violent scenery for me. Not able to be joyful in this hell I'm living in. Maybe one day. I'll appreciate this world I'm living in. And not feel bad about my self and all my sins. From day to day I'm feeling kind of restless and afraid. Of people who is pa**ing by - Don't seem to understand the game. Maybe I'll win, or maybe I will be the looser. At least I'm aware of all this sh** we're living in. I'm peaces of what I used to be. WE ARE ILLUSIONS, OF THE ONES WE'RE MEANT TO BE, WHILE AS I AM DETERMINED TO TAKE YOUR LIFE WITH ME. Today is a day that is unusual for me. Don't bother to build up a violent scenery again.
Green hills and blue skies, Things that people appreciate in time. I wish I could but all I see is misery. Another day I'm hopelessly depressed and all deranged. I feel f**ed up and miserable, I wanna stay in bed. I will never put myself in another ones shoe. It seems like I don't wanna change my point of view. Tunnelvision, that's my system, Sad but true! WE ARE ILLUSIONS, OF THE ONES WE'RE MEANT TO BE, WHILE AS I AM DETERMINED TO TAKE YOUR LIFE WITH ME. DREAM WHAT YOU WANNA DREAM, GO WHERE YOU WANNA GO, BUT BE AWARE OF ME THOUGH, CAUSE I'LL TAKE YOUR LIFE WITH ME...