Rites of sacrifice in darkness offering the flesh for thee... Master, ruler of the underworld of fire I desire, waiting on the altar. Stars that shine, moon that hides rising behind mountains here in these lands of carthage where Baal reigns supreme at hight as we stand on the edge of black abysmal thrones of d**h, thrones of fire, burning infant victims in the pit of hellish fire endlessly on this night of doom. Child, victim of mine, now your time has arrived, lay now on the altar and perish in eternal fire from hell fire from Baal, burning as the solar gods consume your flesh from earth and the sea summoning the ancient king of d**h ritually offering sweet blood.
To the moon, cosmic throne of the sky I sing songs of d**h as I cut infant flesh deeply. Oh! Ancient rite on this night of a full moon! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! k** the child in the night. Cut the flesh, burn the bones, spread the ash on the throne. Demons in the abyss summoned through the rites of human... Sacrifice! Sacrifice! k** the child in the night. Cut the flesh, burn the bones, spread the ash on the throne. Demons in the abyss summoned through the rites of infant d**h.