I was home by the winter I was home from the school town, undecided and questions came, like: "what did you say you're doing now?" well, I, I had hopes for my music and I imagined their faces said: "well, you can't do that, you silly thing," god, he gave me a brave heart but god, he gave me a chicken head and I felt I'd failed I am always beginning the world beginning the world aren't you bursting with bu*terflies on the fourth of september? like you'll have to get on the bus
in your tartan dress, with your lunch box though your body is twenty-nine though your mind is an old thing I mean, don't you ever sigh? I am always beginning the world beginning the world I am always beginning the world beginning the world always the same underdog stance under the same happy-sad sky eternally crying, am I still shy? I am always beginning the world beginning the world I am always beginning the world beginning the world beginning the world