I'd like to begin with a fact, a simple yet shocking fact. It is this: A floodtide of filth is engulfing our country in the form of newsstand obscenity and is threatening to pervert an entire generation of our children Perversion for profit! Johnny est une star de télévision A des idées nauséabondes Johnny prie Dieu de bénir sa nation N'a d'autre vision du monde Johnny croit avoir de l'éducation Il a toujours des choses à dire Johnny diffuse toute sa déraison Est toujours prêt à discourir Weapons of ma** profit or perversion Weapons of ma**... where are you? Perversion for profit! Perversion for profit! Weapons of ma** profit or perversion Weapons of ma**... We know that once a person is perverted
It is practically impossible for that person to adjust to normal attitude And then we come to nudist magazines... Perversion for profit! Group exposure is a hallmark of these cultists However it's been well-stated that very few blind people join the nudist colonies This moral decay weakens our resistance To the onslaught of the communist masters of deceit Johnny dit faire de l'information Johnny cache ses viles motivations Johnny ment sans aucune hésitation Johnny profite de la situation Perversion for profit! Perversion for profit! We must save our nation from decay And deliver our children from the horrors of perversion We must make our land a safe home Oh god deliver us from evil!