The heart beating wafts over The slumbering astral darkness As the last sign Of pre-dimensional existence No ear is around here to listen To weightless nebular equivalent of... So malevolent... space So onerous... solitude So perfidious... emptiness Float in after these silvery lines Of broken dead light beams To the polarized source of my vast Carnal surrealism Upon the inner side of our Incinerated dreams with own inwards We inscribe The last strophe Of the technocratic visions' gorgeous teratological epic What they're a cadaverous shapeless Veil of so multifarious higher Dimensions Multiversal divides are the coast Of the onerous physic of Interstellar peristaltic
And the last heart beating wafts Over the nervous noisy silence Of dying astral night We're personal chaos theory of own Fear of the fractal unknown only We were merely variables in Equations gust of our own Mirthless fates What they're liberating with Their odd resection from weightiness Of our own corporeality now The heart beating from other Multiverse wafts over the icy Astral darkness As the warped flow of inflexible Life power in the glimmers Of the other worlds I am not as you are floating in After silvery light beams lines You are my orgasm and polarized Source on the arm of my... So onerous... carnalityso malicious... so perfidious...