How can you keep a straight face? How can you look me in the eye? Has it really come down to this? Soul shopping and c**aine highs? I still can't believe what you did to your dreams. You threw them all away for what someone else said was right. Need the cash for the job you hate to marry a stranger to feel safe, It's all the same. I won't live my life on another's view of what's right. Now you're bitter with regret and disdain for your chosen fate. You take it out on the world and think it owes you. You can't see past yourself, or your hate. But worst of all, you take it out on everyone, the fallacy perpetuates. Has it really come to this? We must unlearn before it's too late. The media tells us how to think, how to act and how to feel, Tells us that success is material gain and all that's real. We must k** this cancer that eats us all inside. There can be so much to our lives This life will beat you down. Like nature it is cruel and beautiful and it's mine. This life I will embrace.