Clouds of poison blow into homes, only 50 meters away. Handicapped school beside toxic tip, Breathing the sh** every day. Most people have ulcers,or their gut ruptures. Damage to kidney, liver and nerves, Babies stillborn or premature. An attempt to get rid of the pit, Further aggravates the environment. 90 hectare lake of cyanide, birds overhead plummet and die. State communism, unbridled capitalism. False environmentalism, nobody takes responsibility: For a workforce crippled in their prime. Whose children suffer and die, whose fate will unfold in time.
All in the name of "big mine". Man's greed knows no limit, copper, zinc, lead, silver and gold. Avarice and lust as old as time, Poisoned dead zone: "big mine". Winter: aural dam bursts, local farmland effected first. Then the Blue Danube runs red, 5 weeks later the Black Sea is dead. Villagers unaware of situation, media alerts of devastation. Obituary read too late, month long gestation of pollution. Drinking from poisoned wells, cancers attacking cells. Most polluted land in europe, North west romania hasn't a hope.