Speak aloud the words That linger deep in your mind Spare my time from your Uncertain anxious – driven fate Victimized by every vile soul Dramatize until you lose control Pledge to the fight Waging an inner war Stand high upright Claiming selfish goals Ignore remorse, Cast the first blow Lie there not amazed 'Til the last foe. Wield your blade Hungry for more, Shedding blood in stains Last man alive, Senseless to pain I stand astride Strike, Strike, Strike. The moral ties are broken To liberate my ego The reckless deeds, an omen Beyond the good and evil. No will exceeds the power Of human minds on this globe
The agonist, A warrior Will tear his fate asunder Self afflicted weak die-hard Inept to accepting there's no god Spit out my grief. Purge it with a throe 'Cause is dead meat. Rotten to the core Thrust it to rest. Come not between Fighter and his wrath Anger steaming, bound to slash Dissent seeking, solving all my woes King of the fools. No place for fate Chaotic rule... The moral ties are broken To liberate my ego The reckless deeds, an omen Beyond the god and evil. No will exceeds the power Of human minds on this globe The agonist, a warrior Will tear his fate asunder