Your vain attempts Have been noted All now based On formula Seven steps away The candle burns down One place down And you are a wreck Critical mess Your ego attacks And you are a wreck Opinion poll Adjustments made Light goes out Slip into neutral And you are a wreck And you are a wreck Critical mess Your ego attacks Opinion poll Adjustments made Seven steps away The candle burns down One place down And you are a wreck Critical mess Your ego attacks
Opinion poll Adjustments made Light goes out Slip into neutral Seven steps away The candle burns down One place down And you are a wreck Your vain attempts Have now been noted And you are a wreck Critical mess Your ego attacks Opinion poll Adjustments made Light goes out Slip into neutral Seven steps away The candle burns down Your vain attempts Have now been noted And you are a wreck Critical mess And you are a wreck And you are a wreck And you are a wreck