I am an ant, I am an ant, I am an ant, I am an ant Breaking my back day after day Carrying crumbs to put on the Queen's tray I wanna run, I wanna play I need a dream that will take me away My every thought, my every action Put into motion by a tyrant led faction I am not whole, merely a fraction A fractured soul seeking satisfaction I am a slave to the being in charge She's got her vision but it ain't mine My power is small, hers is quite large I guess that is why she's the being in charge I listen to her, what can I do She's bigger, longer, quicker and stronger I wanna strip her power, I do But I don't know how to k** a tyrant, do you? I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees
Which makes it harder for me to be me I won't feel complete until we are free I'm reaching my threshold, can't you see? The other ants have nothing to prove They just carry on with nothing to lose I try to plan my next move How do I get the hill to to go with my groove? I write it all down, thought after thought I try to point out our leaders are bought I ask 'em to question all they've been taught Make them see how our culture's caught Between a cla** divide that grows every day Religious rights for which wars are waged (In) this wondrous world that captures my heart And the necessity of progress that tears it apart I am an ant, I am an ant, I am an ant, I am an ant